Who We Are

Founded in 1874, our church has served the community for 140 years.  Since our church was the only Protestant church in town for many years, our membership is ecumenical in background, belief and practice.

In 1961, we joined the United Church of Christ, a denomination committed to freedom and diversity in worship, outreach and faith practice.

Worship is the center of our congregational life.

We worship every Sunday at 10 a.m. in person and via Zoom Hybrid.  We celebrate communion the first Sunday of every month during this service, which also includes prayers, music, scripture readings, and a sermon on one of the scriptures for the day. Our worship service generally lasts one hour.

Here in San Lorenzo Community Church, United Church of Christ:

  • Worship is an intergenerational experience – children, youth, adults and elders – all gathered to share a focus of praise and worship of a loving God.
  • Worship is an uplifting experience – the music, the piano, the organ, the songs, the choir – there will be a melody to remember through the week.
  • Worship is a reflection and strengthening of faith – where else in our lives do we hear a reading from scripture and the opportunity to think through all that God is doing in our lives?
  • Worship is a sensory experience — color and movement, flowers and design, banners and fabric – it is an art, a sacred art.  It happens visually in the sanctuary and inwardly in our hearts.
  • Worship is a moment of openness and change – this is the time we listen to God; this is when we take in the possibility we can change, develop and turn and make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Worship orients everything in our lives.  It explains everything.  Worship is the center of everything.

We look forward to your joining us Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.

Rev. Sue Ann Yarbrough, Pastor

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